How To Make Your Long Haul Flights Family-Friendly
Hi loves! As a mother myself, traveling can be quite tricky when it comes to kids or babies, but that does not stop my husband and me from bringing my two baby girls on the best travel of our lives. Best trips are always together as a family, regardless if they are ten months old or 10 years old. We just have to know the tricks to it.
Traveling long hauls can drain everyone out sometimes, especially children. My husband and I have our own shared experience on that when flying with Miya and Mina. So, here are some few tips and tricks to keep them entertained in a flying bird.

Keep Your Diaper Kits Ready
Some airlines like Malaysia Airlines flights do provide various infant amenities. You can look up the Infant Amenity Icon if you ever go the airline page to ensure what type of amenities offered. However, it is best to bear in mind that sometimes, self-preparation is an ultimate guarantee hassle-free ride. Keep stocks of extra diapers, wipes, pacifiers, formula milk and other necessities that you might need on a long flight.
Get Germs Control Into Action
Children - especially are susceptible to germs and we know how plenty of bacteria are in airplanes. Hence, it is best to keep your children’s seat well wiped from top to bottom. You would not want your child to get sick during the long haul flights. If your children are hypersensitive to germs, you have to take extra effort to ensure the seat is well-kept for their health and comfort.
In-Flight Pharmacy Supply
Again, you will have to double check with your airline's medicinal policy to see if there are any restrictions on the kinds of medicine you can bring on board with you. Apart from prescription medicine, it is best to have other usual supplements like vitamins, motion-sickness or flu-prevention with you, in case either of your family members might need it. This will save your children the restlessness they might feel when flying.
Plenty, Plenty of Food and Drinks
If we as adults love munching on food and drinks to kill time in long-haul flights, I think the rule definitely applies to children as well. My girls might not deny it too. Some airlines do have restrictions on bringing outside food on board, while some are a bit flexible on it. It’s best to look at your airline policies beforehand. You can also purchase the in-flight snacks as well. Keeping the tummy in a happy mood will ensure a smooth ride.

Entertainment is Key
This is probably one of the main way parents alike utilize to keep their kids busy and not bother about the long flights they are enduring. You can bring with you various coloring books, board games, interactive gadget and gizmos to keep your children occupied. You could even download yourself a whole series or movies of their favorites that could last the entire flight time. Not only will your kids be occupied, but you have your little own family quality time on the plane as well.
This is as far as my maternal instinct can suggest to you. There might be others that you will find helpful and please share with me if you have more tips and tricks to make trips for our little ones a fun one. Side note to this, if you are planning a family trip anytime soon, you can try visiting Traveloka if you want to book cheap flights because they offer several promotions for different airlines. You might find one that could suit your family needs.