Tok Syed Balm Bayi Review - Jia Shin Lee

Tok Syed Balm Bayi Review

by - April 11, 2018


Every time the weather or climate suddenly changes, kids easily fall sick, they usually catch a cold, cough and fever. With Miya's recent cough & flu and the arrival of the new baby, it was not easy for me as a parent, I had to separate them in different rooms making sure the smaller one didn't catch the bug but I also needed Miya to recover and get well soon.

Then I was introduced to Tok Syed Balm Bayi, a natural version of an age-old remedy, this baby balm is a great aid to soothe cold and flu symptoms or chest rub for a cough and congestion, it is made with safe and 100% natural ingredients like VCO, Sunflower Oil and a mixture of cold pressed essential oil and it's approved by Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia.

Tok Syed Balm Bayi helps relieves cough and cold, it allows our little ones to breathe more freely and calm down before sleeping and most importantly it's amazingly effective as well, why do I say that? I've been using it for myself and both my kids, aged 3 years old and newborn, the balm is gentle to the skin, the smell is pleasant and it works like wonders.

Just apply Tok Syed Balm Bayi onto the chest area, soles of the feet and the back of the body before heading to bed, it will ease the nasal passage for a peaceful sleep. For the congested nose, you may also apply a little bit on the T zone of your child's face. Besides using it for cough and cold, I also use it on my newborn to prevent bloated tummy and so far Mina does not have any bloating issues.

All in all, Tok Syed Balm Bayi is a must-have for any mum and an essential household item that is great for anyone else for that matter! Tok Syed Balm Bayi is available for purchase at RM80 on their website, click on the link HERE

For more information on Tok Syed visit their website http://www.toksyed.com/ or their facebook page https://www.facebook.com/toksyedori

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  1. Biasa dengar Tok Syed ni..tapi tak tahu pula ada balm untuk baby. Boleh buat stock kat rumah jika anak² tetiba tidak sihat...boleh sapu balm ini.

  2. Bagus juga if ada remedi balm yg sesuai dgn baby

  3. Sekarang banyak produk bayi yang beredar di pasaran ya. Ibu yang cerdas pasti pandai memilih produk untuk bayinya seperti di dalam postingan ini. Good share

  4. Read lots of good review about this product
    So tempted to buy
    Easy to use and bring everywhere

  5. wah so nice!! ‘mydin ada jual ke?

  6. Good for the whole family..adult also can use..im using this balm every night..make me feel calm and easy to get sleep..

  7. Heard a few rave reviews about this balm. I have no small babies in the family now - but it doesn't hurt to have one around for in time of need, right? Thanks for sharing the info.

  8. Kalau ada anak kecil, mesti kena ada balm utk legakan batuk atau selsema.. Bila bayi tk selesa pasti akan menangis.. Tq for sharing Tok Syed Balm utk bayi

  9. Uish popular nya balm tok syed ni yer.
    I heard people talking about it everywhere. Especially mommies with baby and little kids.

  10. I l9ve the smell. Even my kids also love it. Every night i must rub them before sleep.. its like a aromatherapy too

  11. mesti baby lena dan sentiasa lega jekan bila pakai Tok Syed Balm Bayi ni. Tapi kalau onie, onie pun pakai, kadang selesa juga,hehe

  12. you took great photos. what camera do u use?

  13. boleh tahan dia punya harga..as long as its good & safe for kids, tak kisahlah kan. janji berkesan dan membantu anak-anak

  14. Another products for babies. Nowadays many product using organic and natural ingredients. Definately will tell my fren to get this balm.

  15. Natural product for babies is definitely a good product to apply to them as their skin are quite sensitive towards chemical. Definitey will buy tok syed balm bayi for my future baby

  16. Balsem backup untuk mommy guna jika anak selsema dan kembung perut. Cuma tekstur dia melekit dan kena sapu rata dekat anak tau. Bila urut lebih, balsem tu akan mencair dari kepanasan tapak tangan kita. Baby pun suka. Hehehe.

  17. Wah congrats for ur newborn shin lee...
    Tok syed balm ni memang best kan...banyak review positive ..will try it by myself soon

  18. Little cutie pie must be enjoy it when you rub on her chest and stomach. The most important the product is safe to be used on baby. Will share it with mummy friend.

  19. Produk baru ke ni Jia?
    Macam best je
    Boleh cuba untuk anak amni ni

    Jgn lupa singgah blog amni taw www.duniafarisya.com
