FPP Putrajaya Review | My Labour Experience - Jia Shin Lee

FPP Putrajaya Review | My Labour Experience

by - April 13, 2018

Hi loves,

Today I'll be sharing my experience with my delivery at Hospital Putrajaya using their Full Paying Patient Scheme, I've got too many enquiries asking me regarding the FPP Putrajaya services so I've written everything important here.

I delivered my first child, Miya back in 2015 and now I am back again with my second baby. Why do I keep coming back? The fact is the service is good and the price is reasonable & affordable, I don't really see the difference between going to private hospitals and this.

FPP Putrajaya is pretty packed nowadays, it was nothing like back then so once you have decided this is the hospital you want to be, make an appointment ASAP! Just call Hospital Putrajaya at 03-83124200, state that you're want to make an appointment as an FPP patient for delivery, they will set an appointment for you with the specialist of your choice.

TIP: Make sure you know your EDD (estimated due date) & how many weeks you're at now. The nurse will give you an appointment based on that.

Here are some of the things you would like to know as an FPP patient

#1 Your spouse is allowed to enter the operation theatre with you. My husband was there with me during both my deliveries, he was in the room to accompany me the entire process and it was a great support for me when I know someone familiar was in there with me. I cannot image how scary it would be going in there alone.

#2 Hospital Putrajaya is a breastfeeding friendly hospital. Doctors and nurses will encourage you and guide you to bf your child since I'm pro-breastfeeding this meant a lot to me. They practice skin to skin right after birth and this is one of the most effective methods for promoting exclusive breastfeeding.

#3 Your baby will be placed with you after delivery, there is no baby room, the nurses will monitor how you handle the baby, this is to ensure that after you return home you know how to take care of your own child. Mummies be prepared to learn how to change diapers, wipe them clean, feed them.

#4 We get to choose the specialist of our choice but each specialist has their limit on the number of patients they will be seeing so again book asap! The specialist will only start seeing you once you're 28 weeks so for the time being, you will have to go to Klinik Kesihatan or you may go to a private ob & gyn as well, just ask the Dr to fill up accordingly in the buku merah.
** If you're in Puchong and looking for a doctor, I highly recommend going to TMC Fertility and Women's Specialist Centre Dr Chong, he's patient and the charges are approx RM120 for ultrasound scan and consultation.

#5 5 star service at the friction of the price. A deposit of RM3k will be collected upon registration and the refund will be given back to you upon discharge. In 2015, my delivery with my first was RM1.4k for normal delivery without epidural. I just had my 2nd child in March 2018 and it's RM1.6k for normal delivery without epidural.

#6 We are allowed to go home the next day!! Yayy!! I work in the medical line so staying in the hospital is something I hate, be it private or government, I just wanna get out asap, omwe are discharged the next day after the specialist has come to see you and make sure everything is ok.

My Labour Experience 

I started spotting the day before I was due and I was so happy because supposedly Dr Hamidah scheduled me to be induced (both my girls were full term and late) The contractions started around 9am, it was really light contractions which felt like a stomach cramp so no biggie, got myself admitted at 10am and the nurses started to do the usual test on me, my heartbeat was low most likely because I was hungry, they told me it was okay to eat something light, so I went to the nearest mall - IOI City Mall not knowing they meant tapao food at the cafeteria, they called me a few times to check on me, I think I gave them a slight heart attack, by the time I got back it was slightly before 12pm and I was only 3cm dilated and before I know it baby was out at 230pm, it was really quick labor and despite all the pain, I'm so happy to hold my baby girl in my hands

Which specialist to choose?

I went back to Dr Hamidah, she delivered Miya previously and I was really happy with her work, my stitches healed nicely and I've received so much useful information from her during both my pregnancy and felt well cared for, she's experienced and despite her busy schedule she explained all my worries especially when I kept having spotting this pregnancy, she even gave me a 3D ultrasound scan during one of my visit without me asking for it, how nice is that right?

What do you need to pack?

Bring your own towels, toiletries, a few sets of baby clothes, diapers and a cup for drinking because they do not prepare these for you. The only thing prepared by them is hot water in a thermal flask. Hospital food is horrible so be sure to ask your family to prepare some food for you. You can also check out my post here for a list of essential items to pack.

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TIP Please remember to pack Yu Yee Oil or whatever ointment of your choice that expels wind.

Charges for FPP patient

Consultation Fee Weekdays RM60 | Weekends RM90
Ultrasound Screening RM75
Single/Double Bed Executive RM300
Single Bed 1st Class RM160
Double Bed 1st Class RM130

Rooms & Visiting hours

Here's a look at my first class room, the executive rooms were full so I had to settle for this. It was a twin sharing room but I had a really nice neighbour, the environment was nice and clean but your spouse is not allowed to stay in so this round I was on my own but since this is my 2nd child I was fine, I knew what I needed.

You could also opt for the executive ward at the main building, your spouse is allowed to stay in with you but there are limited rooms there so it depends on your luck on the day you deliver if there's a space you will be allowed to move over.

Visiting hours are Mon - Fri 1230pm - 2pm | 430pm - 7pm ; Sat, Sun & PH 1230pm - 7pm, unfortunately, children aged 12 and below are not allowed to visit so do not bring your younger children or they might have to wait at the lobby.

I hope this post will help those who are deciding where to go and what to expect if you're gonna sign up as a FPP Patient in Hospital Putrajaya. Do drop me a massage if you need help :)

Happy birthing mummies, all the best ❤

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  1. hye, ain here come&follow your blog!
    nice to meet you :)

    1. Hi Ain, nice to meet you, following you too :)

  2. hospital putrajaya? memang ramai my frens nak bersalin sini.
    dikatakan the services are outstanding. reading yours, now i know why :)
    really hope that other hospital buat camni jugak. selesa. indah.
    u know la, jia, selepas bersalin we really need a good rest, right?

    1. Yes we really need to rest well. Hopefully in the future all hospital will be like that 😊

  3. Hi, thanks for the detailed post. If we have booked and paid the deposit 3K, if we ended up did not give birth there, is the deposit fully refundable? Worry cause Putrajaya is 1 hr drive away and if I suddenly have emergency and has to deliver at the nearest hospital. Thanks.

    1. Hi dear the booking will only be paid when u check in for delivery.

  4. hi may i know the normal regular checkup from first month to 7th month, u go to government clinic or hospital putrajaya also can do checkup regularly?

  5. Hi, may i know if FPP patient must habe the pink book from Pusat kesihatan? I have been contemplating if i should go to PK apart from the provate O&G specialist i am seeing.

    Noticed that you mentioned we can either go PK or private doctor as long as just ask the Dr to fill up accordingly in the buku merah.

    May i clarify on point above, do you mean asking private doctor to fill up the book? And where can i get the book please?

    Thanks so much!

    1. Hi dear, no you don't need a pink book to be a FPP patient but it'll be easier for the Dr at Putrajaya during your checkups.

      To get a pink book you'll have to register at Klinik Kesihatan. After having mine I had my private Dr jot down the details that's needed, the doctor will know what to do.

    2. Thanks so much for your tips and reply. :) that has eased my worries a lot because i was so worried it is a must to have the link book. My private doc keep telling me jz prepping the reports and records will be sufficient. Have a great day!

    3. You're welcome, have a smooth delivery, cheers :)

  6. Hi Jia Shin,since hubby is not allow to stay in the room, is it even before i deliver?Worry he not enough time to rush to the hospital to accompany me to the labour room😂

    1. Hi dear, you can ask him to wait at the waiting area, there is one for hubby's. If you're staying overnight to be induce the nurses will let you know the time so your hubby will have enough time to prepare :)

  7. Hi may I know what will be the cost for C-sec? estimated current cost and if I opt to register in a Private maternity clinic can I be still able to go under FPP? thanks

    1. Hi dear I'm not sure about c sec maybe you can call up and enquire.

      Yes you can na still be under FPP even if you opt for checkups and private clinic.

  8. Hi Jia Shin, for single bedded-first class, is husband allowed to stay overnight? Thanks.

    1. Hi dear nope he's not allowed to stay overnight only can visit during visiting hours

  9. Hi,can i ask is it got any instalment for FPP? And is it every time need to pay when we visit doctor at putrajaya hospital? Is it the deposit rm3k just for charges of the delivery time ? Consultantion fees not include ?

    1. Hi there's no installment for FPP

      #1 Yes, you pay during each visit
      #2 RM3k deposit is just charges during delivery at the hospital, meaning whatever you use, Dr check up is all included
      #3 1 month after delivery you'll need to visit the dr again to make sure things are alright, that will be charged seperately.

    2. sorry, i have question.
      1) its the visit or consultation for checkup need to pay seperately (excluded rm3k deposit) for each checkup?
      2)is it according weekday rm60, weekend rm90 as u mentioned above?

    3. Yes each visit during your checkup you will have to pay, the rates were from 2018 not sure what it is now but you can always call and check

  10. Hi Jia Shin, did Hospital Putrajaya give you Buku Rekod Kesihatan Bayi & Kanak-Kanak for vaccination when discharged?

  11. So.. There's no guarantee that our husband can stay overnight with us in the ward even we're fpp? It's depends on lucky only?

    1. Unfortunately that is the case, only executive ward allows husband to stay in and there's very limited room there. If it's a normal delivery you'll only be staying a night, unless you're a ceaserian patient then u can change to the executive ward when there's availability.

  12. for putrajaya fpp , nurse service okay? after you decide to choose fpp, will you still have do check up at private clinic or klinik kesihatan?

    1. Hi sorry for the late reply, yes the service is great, I did my checkup at private and the Dr is okay with that as long as the information needed is filled up.

  13. Thanks for sharing this info and personal experience with all mommies here. It's very useful!

  14. Hi Jia Shin. Thanks for sharing your experience. Wonder if you can help me with 2 questions
    1. Is it true that epidural is not available after office hours and on weekend/public holiday?
    2. Upon discharge, did the hospital give any complementary formula milk powder and alcohol/sanitiser to clean baby umbilical stump? (I heard private hospitals do)
    Thank you.

    1. Hi there sure.

      1. I'm not too sure about this, you might have to check with the hospital.
      2. Nope they didn't pass me any formula milk powder, gov hospital supports breastfeeding but I was given alcohol to bring home to clean the baby umbilical stump.

    2. Hi Jia Shin Lee,

      Thank you for sharing you experience. May i know at what weeks did you book for FPP? I came to Hospital Putrajaya last week to book FPP with Dr Hamidah and my EDD is end of September 2020 (Currently my pregnancy is at 10weeks) but sadly the nurse there said Dr Hamidah is fully book even until October. I thought i was early enough since i have read so many review where they manage to book Dr Hamidah even at 7months pregnancy. So i had no choice to pick either one from the 2 male doctors. But I really wanted a female doctor.
      So I am asking a favour here, do you have Dr Hamidah’s office number or her assistance contact number? I wanted to ask them directly whether they can just have one slot for me as i am really hoping to be treated by a female doctor since this is my first pregnancy and i am so nervous 😖
      Thank you

  15. May I know the the private gynae can also fill up in the pink book? I thought the pink book only for gov clinic /hospital to fill up.

    1. Hi there, yes you may, that's what I did but you could ask advise from your Dr if it's still applicable.

  16. Hi Jia Shin Lee,

    As you mention that baby will be placed beside after deliver and no baby room. Will it be very difficult for you as gonna keep wake up change diapers, wipe, clean and feed them after delivery?

    I heard new born require change about 5-6 times a days. I'm a first time mother & no experience with it. Will it be very difficult? Will the nurse help and guide through?

    1. From my experience my first baby I didn't know what to do, I really struggled, cried, because I couldn't get her to stop crying, the nurses only stepped in after seeing me breaking down.

      I don't remember the need to change the diapers so many times during the one night stay thou, it was a quick check in, went in had a baby, stayed a night for observation, once everything is fine, it's safe to go home.
