July 2015 - Jia Shin Lee

Mummy Diary | Miya Fullmoon Party

by - July 26, 2015
10 months flew pass before I know it I gave birth to this sweet little angel before I know it, another 30days has passed and it is time for her full moon party already. Since I'm still really tired // lazy we held the baby shower at my grandma's place. A simple celebration...

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Mummy Diary - 第二个月当妈妈

by - July 23, 2015
不知不觉已经第二个月了。我还满enjoy 当妈妈, 慢慢的也开始习惯宝贝的sleeping pattern。可惜我的假期也快完毕, 真的不舍得把宝贝送去奶妈那儿可是还是要理智,工还是要打。 今晚老公对我说了一句 "老婆,你辛苦了。" 哇! 我真的好感动他会这样想。我付出的这一切决对是值得的! 加油老公 💪 我们一定可以熬过这一关! ...

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Mummy Diary - Getting your husband to help

by - July 22, 2015
To keep a relationship healthy I always believe in communication. Yes I was terribly cranky yesterday but I made my point and he understood. It is not easy being a mother, now I know why. Sleep is never enough after your child is born, she wakes up every hour, the first week of...

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Mummy Diary - Stay At Home Mom

by - July 21, 2015
Congratulations to myself, I can't believe that I've been a SAHM for 3 weeks already. This full time job requires 100% attention with no holidays or medical leave lol but I do enjoy spending time with Miya a lot, seeing her grow each day is the greatest gift, listening to her grunting sounds...

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Postpartum Depression

by - July 06, 2015
What is this postpartum depression? Well according to wikipedia it's depression that occurs after childbirth. I was fine during my pregnancy, not much mood swings or anything, I made myself happy, going out with friends, pampering myself with massages, exercise, spend time with my cat and dog, exercise a little, cooked for myself...

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Mummy Diary - Baby M's first week

by - July 02, 2015
Our first mother and daughter selfie. It's Miya's first week Fun part of the week, she made flying poop lol I had a great laugh about this. Got to brush up my skills, I'm still not clear how shit is suppose to look like. The poop flew from the changing table to my...

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