My cardio workout fix with BHT200 Auto Incline Treadmill
Fitting fitness into my crazy schedule is not easy, juggling between work and family I knew I couldn't make it to the gym or join my usual classes anymore but my health is also a priority as well, having a well-balanced lifestyle is on the top of my list, not only working out gives me a peace of mind, it also tremendously boost my productivity.
Since going to the gym won’t work, I am glad that I’ve found the perfect alternative to this - exercising from home with a treadmill.
Treadmills workout is the easiest and safest way to lose weight, not only that you also get to increase your fitness and improve your cardiac health.
My goal is to workout at least 20 minutes a day but recently I really proud of myself because I found a way to pull through a 40 minutes workout! Continue reading if you want to know why!
Thanks to BH Fitness for sending me BH T200 Auto Incline Treadmill, first impression it looks like a hardy quality treadmill, the sleek and compact design is a perfect choice for my little hut, it does not take up a lot of my space and it is easily portable as well.
The BH T200 comes with this amazing semi Plug & Run technology, it makes installation hassle free, you only need 90 seconds, simply unfold the treadmill, put in the screws and tight them up and you're ready to go!
This treadmill comes with a 5inch blue LCD monitor to display the workout session data such as pulse rate, time spent, calories burned, distance covered, incline, and speed. The built-in pulse grip heart rate on the sides of the handle can easily keep track of your heart rate.
Our bodies adapt quickly to new routines, if you stick to doing the same routine every day, the number of calories you burn will become fewer which is why I love the wide variety of workout programs that BH T200 gives me, there are 12 pre-set programmes set for you to choose from, I rotate mine to challenge my fitness level and use them to get my cardio fix.
Moreover, did I mention there is also a MP3 port with dual speakers? I get to play my favorite TV episodes which usually last 40 minutes to an hour, it is the perfect time for me to pull double duty and this is also how I kept myself on the treadmill for 40 minutes!

A treadmill can give you a great cardio workout, but you need to ensure you are getting the right machine for your needs, BH T200 Auto Incline Treadmill makes a perfect treadmill for home use, it suits my needs as a busy working mum who is still enthusiasts with my fitness.
For more info about BH T200 Auto Incline Treadmill please visit their website
Great to work out like this... No wonder u so slim even after delivery... pretty as always!
ReplyDeleteNow i know your secret..every day wonder you have a very beautiful body...i'm jealous la..because my world now, working..working..and time at all to spend at least 1 hr for workout...
ReplyDeleteOmg i need to start doing this.Extremely lazy nowadays to workout. Thanks for reminding me to get my ass out there and stat working out hahaha
ReplyDeleteKena start exercise ni untuk menambahkan stamina dan menjalani gaya hidup sihat. Bila time rajin....rajin lah...bila time malas....oh noooooo .....
ReplyDeleteMenjaga kesehatan dengan berolahraga itu penting bangat yah. Kepenhen sih tapi malasnya lebih dominan. Pulang kerja dah capek banget. Sukses ya
ReplyDeleteTengok orang buat workout teringin nk buat..tapi tu lah, malas lebih tinggi dari rajin..hehehe.
ReplyDeleteAda bicycle tapi simpn je tk guna. Mayb kalu ada treadmill macam tu sis jadi rjin kot
no wonder lah you look damn pretty wehhh 2 anak but still maintain gorgeous and slim so jelly @
ReplyDeleteBestnya ada treadmill sendiri kat rumah. I mcam teringin nak exercise secara konsisten. Untuk kesihatan dan juga kecantikan
ReplyDeleteSometime after work is lazy to go the gym. Always feel tired and wanna ho home faster & sleep. I wish I have my own treadmill at home like u .
ReplyDeleteGood to have one at home but we enjoy spending time at park to exercise..
ReplyDeleteI want one of this treadmill. I need to reach my perfect figure and burn calories at home. Easy to keep and set up too.
ReplyDeleteno wonder u are super hot mama!n sebab u pandai jaga body..everyday u work out... i kdg2 takde masa nak workout macam u.. tapi workout kat luar rumah like berkebun,sapu sampah sampai keluar peluh dah kire ok kan..cuma joging tak kesempatan lagi..
ReplyDeletewhat an effort! really happy to see mothers with passion taking care of their health
ReplyDeleteWah so good! I should buy 1 for myself. hahah but lazy. Actually so good if we can do exercise everyday.No need to go gym. Just inside our house only